Can Acupuncture Help with Weight Loss? Absolutely

Do you live in Milpitas or San Jose region and dont like your weight? Acupuncture for weight loss really works!

Acupuncture for weight loss is an effective way to deal with extra pounds without dieting, surgery, taking medications and exhausting exercise. The result of the treatment is achieved through the action of special needles on certain energy zones that are located throughout the human body. The result of the treatment will be the normalization of physiological processes in the body, due to which appetite decreases and metabolism increases.


Obesity is not only an aesthetic problem and a change in appearance, but a heavy load on internal organs, which causes various complications and health problems, sometimes dangerous to human life. Thus, extra pounds become a factor in the development of the following diseases:

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels: 

  • stroke, heart attack, hypertension, angina pectoris;
  • Metabolic disorders: diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, gout, atherosclerosis;
  • Diseases of the joints and spine: osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, flat feet, spondylosis, arthrosis of large joints;
  • Respiratory diseases: hypoxemia, hypoventilation of the lungs, sleep apnea, snoring, chronic lack of oxygen, shortness of breath;
  • Diseases of the genitals: irregular menstruation, lack of ovulation, male and female infertility, erectile dysfunction;
  • Disorders of the nervous system: decreased performance, increased fatigue, the appearance of irritability, depression, neuroses.

Zen Acupuncture in Milpitas for weight loss is the safest and, at the same time, effective way to effectively fight excess fat. At the same time, the patient does not need to exhaust himself by exercising in the gym, dieting, resorting to the services of a plastic surgeon or taking expensive drugs.


Acupuncture is an effective technique that originated in ancient China. Gradually acupuncture began to be used in leading clinics around the world, including in Russia. Such a high popularity of treatment with needles is based on the fact that it shows high results even in cases where other methods were powerless in the fight against excess weight. So acupuncture for weight loss:

  • helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • reduces the volume of the stomach, resulting in a decrease in appetite;
  • removes excess fluid and excess fat from the body;
  • normalizes appetite, eliminating the problem of its insufficiency or excess;
  • stabilizes the hormonal background of the body, improving the general well-being of the patient.

In addition to getting rid of extra pounds, the procedure improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails, as well as promotes relaxation and improves overall well-being.


Among the main advantages of this technique are:

  • high efficiency combined with a gentle effect: thanks to the effect of needles in the body, the lipolysis process is started and activated, while the extra pounds will gradually disappear;
  • no side effects: with acupuncture, weight loss occurs gradually, so the patient does not experience any stress. The procedure is completely safe for health, having a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole;
  • psychological comfort: therapy is painless and does not require physical effort. Promotes relaxation, improves general condition and promotes the production of endorphins - hormones of "joy" that raise mood.
  • minimum list of restrictions: acupuncture for weight loss is contraindicated in infectious and oncological diseases.

However, Chinese medicine says that acupuncture is a method, the effect of which will be noticeable if the patient himself strives for it. And for this, he must lead an active and healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, not eat harmful and high-calorie foods, and also psychologically tune himself to losing weight.

How Zen Acupuncture of Milpitas works to reduce fat?

The therapy is aimed at correcting the impulses sent by the nervous system to the organs and systems of our body. The classic method of treatment is acupuncture, which takes place in several sessions, the number of which is selected by the doctor individually, depending on the stage of obesity. In this case, the needles are installed in the energy points responsible for the functioning of the digestive system, kidneys and liver. Thanks to therapy, the work of these organs returns to normal, due to which appetite decreases and the chronic feeling of hunger gradually disappears, the work of the central and autonomic nervous system is normalized.

Are you looking for a good acupuncturist in your area (Fremont, Milpitas, San Jose, Sunnyvale)? 

Come by or call Zen Clinic today! Dr. Yang is really amazing. Patients love her and she loves them back!

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