Insomnia (Sleep Disorder) Treatment with Acupuncture (Zen Clinic at Milpitas, CA)

acupuncture sleeping disorder milpitas san jose
Can insomnia be treated by acupuncture needles? Oh yes!

Just 1 (ONE) needle and you will sleep like a baby. Doctor Yang at Zen Clinic in Milpitas will help!

Insomnia is one of the most common complaints reported by doctors. Within a year, up to 30% of people suffer from insomnia, and about 10% of the adult population has chronic insomnia.

Insomnia can be divided into two types for characteristic reasons:

- Difficulty falling asleep (insomnia caused by difficulty falling asleep);

- frequent or early awakenings (insomnia caused by intermittent sleep).

Causes of insomnia caused by difficulty falling asleep:



environmental change,

emotional excitement,

fear of insomnia

pain, discomfort

the use of caffeine and alcoholic products.

Causes of insomnia caused by intermittent sleep:



Psychological factors such as depression and anxiety account for 50% of all cases of insomnia.

Our holistic approach to the treatment of insomnia is that we view this disorder from the perspective of both modern and traditional Chinese medicine. 

No matter what caused your sleep disorder, Dr. Yang at Zen Acupuncture Clinic will treat it!

One of the best acupuncturist in San Jose, Fremont and Milpitas area. Hundreds of happy patients will approve this statement!

Call us today at 669 263 6959 or come visit us at: 1717 N Milpitas Blvd, Milpitas.

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